Why I design websites for writers alongside writing

Sara Bragg web design for authors

Back in my business days…

Anyone will tell you that life as a writer is hard. The industry is tough right now. I’ve made no money from writing yet. And I use the word ‘yet’ because I’m adamant that one day I will.

It goes without saying that I’m privileged to be in this position. But it doesn’t change the fact that I’m super keen to keep busy, be productive, help provide for my family. While at the same time staying within a creative world I love. For me personally, it’s really important that I put some of my other skills to good use. Sooner rather than later.

Let’s be realistic. Not all writers can earn enough money to live on. Not all writers have movie tie-ins. Not all books hit the New York Times bestseller list. In fact, I know a lot of writers supplementing their income in other ways.


Did you know that I had an online gift business through most of the pandemic and sold it before we moved to Australia?

As a product-based business, it required daily website maintenance so I learnt everything on the job, from design to SEO. I might not have any fancy tech qualifications but several years of experience is incredibly valuable. I learnt what works and what doesn’t. And it turns out author websites aren’t that dissimilar.

It might seem strange that a writer is offering a technical service but trust me, there’s quite a creative process to building a beautiful website.

There are obviously tech elements but a great deal of it is making sure the aesthetic looks and feels right, the site flows the way it needs to and directs people to where they need to go. Plus I get the chance to collaborate with great authors and create a website they can be proud of.

A few questions you might be wondering…

Does an author really need a website?

YES. There are lots of reasons an author should have a website but the biggest and most important one is that it’s an online space you can control. Think of it as your shop window. Readers, bloggers, journalists will visit your site to find out more about your book and you as an author. Your publisher and agent will both give you space on their websites but nothing beats having a dedicated website to showcase your journey, books, blog, testimonials, etc.

Can’t I just use social media?

I’m a huge advocate for social media as a means of finding your audience and connecting with readers but there are some major drawbacks to relying on social media. Your content and connection is controlled and manipulated by the platform and its algorithm.

You also run the risk of losing your account and access to your writer/reader community if there’s an issue. We’ve all seen that happen to someone on social media and it’s awful. Don’t let that be you!

Whilst social media is a great free marketing tool and gives you access to a wide audience, no author or business should put all their focus into a platform they have no control over. The best option will always be a website. Something you have full control over. Something you own yourself. Something that won’t become a passing trend and offers you longevity. Have i convinced you yet?

Are you experienced at building websites?

Over the last few years, I’ve built and rebuilt several websites. From my own writer website to my previous business site which included e-commerce capability and daily maintenance. I could have paid someone to keep on top of the business website but realised very quickly that learning web design skills would prove very valuable. I also realised I actually enjoyed it.

Why should you design my website?

Well, I’m a writer so I know what writers need from a website. I can make it look beautiful and, most importantly, feel like ‘you.’ Most writers don’t know where to start when it comes to web design and that’s what I’m here for - to do all the tech stuff for you so you can get on with writing. Oh, one more thing - I don’t charge a fortune.

You can view my web design services here.

If you’d like me to build your author website, please get in touch. I’m here to help! 

Thanks for reading.

Sara x

Photo credit - Katrina Campbell.


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