Holly Miller: the hardest part was letting go of the story once it was finished.

Author Holly Miller

The Sight of You by Holly Miller was my first book club pick back in July 2020. So it feels only right that Holly is the first guest in this series of conversations on writing.

Holly’s debut, The Sight of You, is an unforgettable love story that had me in bits by the end. Beautifully written and deeply moving, it was a Richard & Judy Book Club pick and has sold over 100,000 copies. If you haven’t read it, I’d really recommend adding it to your bookshelf.

Here, Holly talks about her writing process and tells us about her second book, What Might Have Been (coming March 2022).

1. How did you come up with the idea for The Sight of You?

The idea for The Sight Of You came to me while I was having dinner with friends one night. We were asking each other questions about life and love, and one of the questions that came up was, "If you could know the date of your death, would you want to?" My friends were all very definite about whether or not they would want to know, and I came away thinking how interesting it would be to combine that question with a love story!

2. Did you always know how it would end or did that come to you while you wrote it?

I knew loosely what the ending would be - and actually the scene by the river didn't change much from first draft to final version. But the chapters leading up to it - after Callie and Joel make their decision - changed a lot during the editing process, under the expert guidance of my two amazing editors. I'm so happy with how that last part of the book turned out - even though it has broken a few hearts!

3. What does your ideal writing day look like?

My ideal writing day would consist of no interruptions, a fully stocked snacks cupboard and lots of caffeine on hand! I'm definitely a morning person, and I love to get my body moving before I sit down to write for the day. So I'll go for a walk - maybe around five miles - then come home, have breakfast and start writing at around eight o'clock. I'll go straight through until around three o'clock in the afternoon (lunching at my desk), after which I'll do some reading and catch up on social media.

4. What was the hardest thing about the publishing process?

I think the hardest part of the whole process was probably letting go of this story once it was finished. The Sight Of You took around two years to complete - from initial idea to final page proofs - and it was definitely an emotional moment when I said my last goodbye before it went off to be printed! At that point, as an author all you can do is cross your fingers and hope that readers love it, but that's easier said than done!

5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given about writing?

The best writing tip I've ever received was quite a small nugget of advice really, but it transformed my writing - to use all five senses in descriptive passages. It sounds so basic, but until that point all my descriptions were pretty top-level. Once I started employing all five senses, those types of scenes started springing to life for me in a way they never had before.

6. What can you tell us about your new book What Might Have Been?

What Might Have Been is a Sliding Doors style novel following Lucy, who's just walked out of her job and is undecided as to what she should do next - in life, love and career. One path takes her to a new job in London, and the prospect of reconnecting with Max, the one-time love of her life. The other path sees her staying in her seaside home town, and pursuing her dream of becoming a writer, as well as exploring a new connection with a local photographer, Caleb. We follow Lucy along both paths...and I can't promise you won't need a few tissues for the ending!

7. What are you you currently writing? Or is it a secret?

I'm working on my next novel at the moment. All I can say right now is that it's a bittersweet love story, one I'm absolutely loving writing.

And just for fun…

Your favourite book of last year was… Sorrow and Bliss by Meg Mason. It's as good as everyone says - if you haven't read it already, don't wait a second longer!

Your motto in life is… No regrets. I know everyone says it, and it's not always an easy one to live by, but I firmly believe in it.

Your dream weekend would be… A UK city break somewhere new. Exploring, walking, eating, drinking. Heaven.

The best TV show you’ve watched recently is… I've just started (and I'm ashamed it's taken me so long) This Is Us. It's already making me feel all the feels - I love it.

And do you prefer…?

Tea or coffee? Coffee all the way. I can't bear the taste of tea!

Night in or night out? I'm going to hedge my bets and say a night out - but home in my pyjamas by 11.

Strictly Come Dancing or I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here…? Probably Strictly, but only because I'm vegetarian. Some of the challenges on I'm A Celeb would make me very queasy!

Thanks for sharing Holly! I can’t wait to read What Might Have Been.


Find her on Instagram here.


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