Allie Reynolds: the pressure of having a deadline killed my creativity

Author Allie Reynolds

So thrilled to bring you a conversation with English author, Allie Reynolds, who lives on the Gold Coast in Australia and is about to celebrate the publication of her second book.

Allie writes addictive thrillers with a vivid sense of place. Her debut SHIVER sold in a ten-way auction and has sold in 24 territories. THE BAY publishes on 23rd June so you can pre-order your copy already!

Here, Allie tells us about her journey via the slush pile and talks about the dreaded ‘book two syndrome.’

Have you always wanted to be a writer?

I've always been a massive reader. My first job was a Saturday job in a bookstore when I was 14. I think being surrounded by books all day made me dream of writing my own and seeing it on the shelves. I've wanted to be a writer ever since then but at the same time I kept hearing how hard it was to make a living as a writer - that most writers need a day job. So for many years I taught English and wrote on the side as a hobby.

What led to your offer of representation?
I found my agent Kate Burke at Blake Friedmann in London, through the slush pile. I sent her the first three chapters, she asked to see the full, then asked for a phone call. I wrote a blog post with more details on my query process, including the actual query letter that got me my agent. Read it here:

What has been the best part so far and what has been the toughest?
The best part so far was when my debut novel SHIVER was on submission and my agent Kate called to say she had interest from multiple publishers, and that she wanted to take the novel to an auction. When I heard that ten publishers had bid for my novel, it was beyond my wildest dreams.
The toughest part was writing book 2! Many novelists talk about 'Book Two Syndrome' and how the second book is often much harder to write than the first one. For me this was definitely the case. The pressure of having a deadline killed my creativity and stressed me out! Then Covid struck. I'd newly divorced so I found myself a single mum with my two little kids at home. I was trying to home school them while my deadline ticked away. It was impossible to work with my kids at home and it was just so frustrating, I felt like I was losing out on a massive opportunity. I also suffered a serious head injury surfing and had vision and concentration issues!

How long did it take you to write THE BAY and SHIVER?
SHIVER took 6 months to write. THE BAY took 2 years! Partly that was due to the Covid school closures, and the pressure of having a deadline worked against me. But also I think some stories come more easily than others. With THE BAY I went down so many dead ends in the planning process and kept having to change things.

Author Allie Reynolds THE BAY

What does an average writing day look like for you?

My typical writing day starts early. My kids wake about 6am and I run about like a headless chicken for 2 hours trying to get my kids fed and ready for school whilst also doing social media and emailing. Then I return to my desk at 9am, and try to work until I have to drop everything at 2.50 to go get my kids! Then my kids do soccer training. If I have any energy left in the evening I try to edit but often I'm shattered by then! I'm trying to get a better life-work balance this year and make time in my week to exercise but as a single parent, it's a constant juggle right now.

What advice would you give a new writer, someone just starting out?

My advice for a new writer: Read as much as possible! I learnt nearly everything I know about writing from reading. I don't have an English degree or an MA in creative writing. I did some short writing courses but mostly I just read. Read what you love but also read widely - read the bestsellers in other genres to see what is selling well right now and try to figure out why. There are so many amazing craft books on writing available. I learnt so much from them. These are my favourites:

What are you writing at the moment?
I'm taking a creative break right now trying to recharge before starting to write book 3! But the story is brewing away in my head.

And just for fun…

Your most anticipated reads of the year?

Erica Ferencik's Girl In Ice. I just LOVE her work. She always has a really strong sense of place and unique settings. Her last two, The River At Night and Into The Jungle are two of my favourite thrillers.

A favourite book you’ve read recently…?

Where The Crawdads Sing - finally! And it was so amazing! I really loved it.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I love to surf! I also love to run on the beach and swim.

Your dream weekend would be…

A relaxing beach weekend with surf and good food. I moved from the UK to Gold Coast Australia 15 years ago and I still appreciate how lucky I am to live near the beach.

A TV show you’d recommend…

I recently watched The One, adapted from the book by John Marrs and it is amazing!

Thank you so much Allie! You can chat to Allie on Instagram or find out more about her on her website.

The blog is taking a break over half-term, but will be back soon with some more amazing author Q&As. Thanks for reading!

Sara x


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