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Paula Johnston: with self-publishing, I had to wear so many different hats: writer, cover designer…

Paula Johnston is a self-published author, recently signed with Darley Anderson too! Her experience of seeing the publishing process is rare, as she sees it from both sides.

Her debut THE LIES SHE TOLD is available online and in bookstores, down to her own research, determination, and sheer hard work. She shows aspiring authors that self-publishing can be done and it can be done well. Just head to a Waterstones for proof!

Here’s what she had to say…

Have you always wanted to be a writer?

I always knew from a very young age that I loved writing and creating stories. After school, I went on to study Journalism because I thought that was the natural path to go down, but it still didn’t feel like it was something I wanted to do. I was still very young and went on to try a lot of different careers after that but still knew that I wanted to be writing creatively in some capacity. 

What was the self-publishing process like?

At the time it felt like it was quite a long process but in hindsight, I realise that I managed to manoeuvre it pretty quickly. I didn’t know anything about how to self-publish a book but I knew that I wanted my book to be out there and I had to find a way to do it. I spent about four months studying what had to be done and how to put it into practice because I really wanted to give it the best shot possible. It was hard work being a one-man band but also extremely rewarding.

Why did you choose that route instead of traditional publishing?

Although I was planning to self-publish, while I was studying, I decided to approach a handful of agents and publishing houses that I thought might be interested in the novel. I didn’t expect too much, but the rejection process definitely still hurt. 

What has been the best part so far and what has been the toughest? 

The best part of the self-publishing process was that I had full control of my book's journey. I could keep an eye on things and make adjustments as and when I needed to, and that really helped. At the same time, the toughest was also the responsibility of full control. I had to wear so many different hats: writer, cover designer…loads!

How has the experience changed since signing with your agent?

My experience after signing with my agent is completely different. Jade loved the idea of my second novel so it’s entirely separate from The Lies She Told. I’m very excited to see what this new journey looks like!

What advice would you give a new writer, someone just starting out?

There are a lot of fantastic writers producing great work at the moment which is amazing, but try not to focus on what everyone else is doing or achieving. Go at your own pace, find your own way of working and try your very best not to let that imposter syndrome kick in.

What are you writing at the moment?

I am currently writing my second psychological fiction novel and have the wonderful Jade Kavanagh at Darley Anderson Literary Agency championing me throughout. I’m really excited about bringing this idea to life and hope that, amongst all the crazy, it leaves readers with food for thought.

And just for fun…

A favourite book you’ve read recently?

I absolutely loved The Twins by LV Matthews! The characters, the twists… Amazing! I’ve also recently enjoyed Verity and Layla by Colleen Hoover. Layla was completely different to anything I’ve ever read and I was hooked.

Thanks for sharing your experience Paula! You can follow her on Instagram here.